HealthRunny Nose & Cold

The Common Cold in Horses Prevention and Treatment

Seasonal changes are conducive to colds. With the arrival of winter and the drops in temperature, we must be careful that our friends the horses do not get cold. Otherwise, the cold or rhinitis may point the tip of his nose. But beware! Multiple causes can be at the origin of this evil, especially allergic or viral, among others. HORSE ASSET! take stock of the issue and give you the keys to a season pass without a hitch.

With the change of season and the arrival of winter, our little habits must sometimes be modified. Thus, if your horse is not shorn, your work in the saddle can cause it to sweat. Once the session is over, you must be careful not to tie it in the draft, even if it is still relatively soft. Indeed, if you leave your mount attached to the halter and you store your stuff for fifteen to thirty minutes before returning to the box or put it back in the meadow, it is very likely to catch a cold and … to catch a cold. To avoid this inconvenience, you must cover your horse with a drying blanket so that it does not catch a cold. And if you do not have a drying blanket, you can also use the good old methods. To know: dry your horse by rubbing it with a towel, straw and even rubbing with a little alcohol to burn. Only after, you can bring it back to the meadow. He will not risk getting cold.

Then, we will have to open our eyes and observe his companion. Of course, it is normal for horses to have runny noses – it is even a physiological phenomenon that appears when the horse goes to work – but this is normal under certain conditions. As long as the horse is flying relatively during the work session, do not worry. But if the discharge – that is to say that the nasal secretions – becomes important or yellowish, then it will be necessary to call on a veterinarian. “A cold does not mean much. We must observe the jets and depend on their color, we can say where the origin comes from, says Raymond Schoenhertz, leader of the company Hippo Top.


The different causes of colds

Colds can have different origins. It may indeed be the consequence of an allergic or viral problem. Generally, when we talk about common cold, it is a viral infection and the horse is thrown with coughing. These two symptoms must immediately put the bug in the ears of the riders. In function, the horse can also contract a fever. “The latter occurs so that the body fights against viruses, which are very sensitive to temperature. The fever is, therefore, an increase in body temperature so as to destroy the virus, “ says Hervé Hoffer, manager and co-founder of AJC Nature. However, it is important to help the horse fight his pain.”If you do nothing, it can get complicated, especially if the horse is an allergic cold. This can then become worse in bronchitis, or in rhinopneumonia, with yellow and brown jets … “, he continues. But if the horse is well in his hooves, namely, if he is strong enough to fight the virus, it should normally pass quickly without aggravation. “In some people, as soon as a cold is announced, it causes aches and fever while it is a great basic. Conversely, other people will just sneeze three times and everything will be over. It’s a bit the same for horses “says Hervé Hoffer. Faced with a healthy horse, in good shape, well fed, who works according to his needs, the cold virus should not last long. It is therefore fashionable to help his horse by giving him the best weapons to defend against the virus. AJC Nature thus offers “cleansing” products to help the horse cleanse its bronchi, as well as Vitamin C, Copper, Zinc, and Iron dietary supplements to strengthen its immune system:“One of our preparations is to thin the secretions in the airways so as to eliminate all that is dust, pollen, allergen and other secretions of the respiratory tract. By getting rid of all the causes or factors of this type, the animal will breathe better. And since he is the one who will have to fight the virus, if he is immunocompromised, we will try to raise his immune defenses with garlic and fenugreek seeds. “

Here are the Best Remedies for Cat COLD.

Also Check: Remedies That works with Dog COLD.

Better to prevent…

Viral, the cold is contagious. However, it is not useful to put your horse under a bell if he has a cold. Rather than playing on a quarantine, it is better to take the lead and prevent the congeners of the team does not catch this little virus. How? By putting the best chances on their side. “We must protect other horses by ensuring a healthy and balanced diet, adapted to their needs, and possibly adding supplements if necessary in copper, zinc, iron and vitamin C,” says Hervé Hofer again. AJC Nature. Same policy for Raymond Schoenhertz of Hippo Top: « Better to anticipate the problem because once it is there, the diagnosis is very often difficult to do and you must call a veterinarian. Also, we advise to clean up the horse litter as much as possible in order to avoid sensitizing the upper respiratory tract of the horse. Hippo Top offers a powder of mixed clays and activators to put on the litter to block the ammonia fumes responsible for irritation of the upper ways in the horse.

The conclusion is relatively easy to do: to prevent his horse from getting cold this winter, some precautions are to be taken. It must also be given the maximum chance of reducing the virus to zero if it shows up! Understand: avoid leaving his horse in the draft after the work session; dry it before putting it back in the meadow if it transpired during the session; strengthen the immune system of his horse with some food supplements if necessary and clean his litter if he lives in a box. Finally, if the jets become consistent or they are colored, call his veterinarian.

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