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13 Ways How to Get Rid of Springtails Naturally

After cleaning every inch of the house with expensive products of cleaning, one wants to lie down in their bed and have a sound sleep but just when you thought you could do that, you see a six-legged (scientifically known as hexapod creature) critter crawling over your bed and when you look around, you see them in your bathroom, bedroom and your favorite place in the house, the kitchen as well!!!*scream*

What are these little (not really) creatures roaming around in your home? You may ask yourself. Well, these are known as springtails and guess what they can be quite messy if your house gets infected with it.

What Are Springtails?

Springtails (scientific name Collembola) are the six legs (3 pairs legged) insect that can be seen around the homes during summertime or when it is humid. They can be seen jumping around in your house when you try to shoo them away. They can be a cause of nuisance when found in excessive amount.

What Does a Springtail Looks Like?

Springtails are insects that are tiny in size (range 0.25-6mm) and they look somewhat like a cockroach. But cockroaches crawl and springtails can fly.  Springtails have mostly black or white-colored body but there are springtails whose color varies from purple to light brown and to even read.

Where Do Springtails Come From?

Usually, after the weather of excessive rains and immediate summer, they need moisture, due to which they find refuge in one’s home.

Do Springtails Fly?

Yes, they can easily fly up to ten cm. They use their tail-like furcula (wishbone of bird, which helps them in flying) that is located underneath their abdomen that helps them to fly when disturbed.

Do Springtails Bite?

No, springtails do not bite. They are omnivorous i.e. they feed on plants, algae, fungi and feces of other insects. They either have a chewing mechanism or piercing and sucking mouthparts.

Okay, enough of the scary part.

If you are experiencing springtails nuisance in your home and want to get rid of them as soon as possible for a completely clean house, then follow our given remedies.

Using our remedies, wherever there are springtails in your house (basement, bedroom, kitchen, etc.) you can easily get rid of those critters.

How to Get Rid of Springtails Naturally - wikiJunkie
How to Get Rid of Springtails Naturally – wikiJunkie

How to Get Rid of Springtails

Apple cider vinegar

The reason why apple cider vinegar tops our lists of getting rid of these springtails is because of two reasons;

  • It is easily available in every household.
  • Apple cider vinegar is acidic in nature which is extremely efficient in keeping the springtails away.


If the vinegar bottle comes in with a nozzle then you can just splash the springtails directly but if it doesn’t, we would recommend you to get a spray bottle so you do not get vinegar all over your hands.

This is an affordable option you can facilitate when the problem is less serious.

  1. Essential oils

    Well, if you do not want your place to smell like vinegar, then there is a list of oils you can use to treat springtails.

  2. Neem oil

    Neem oil is a natural pesticide which if you used inappropriate concentration can serve the purpose of getting these springtails out of your home for good.
    Good concentration, faster riddance.

  3. Cedar oil

    Cedar oil is a strong natural insecticide that has the power to kill almost every type of parasites and insect found in your house especially, springtails. Use it to reach the places where vinegar can’t such as cracks around the house where these monstrous critters hide. You can use it (spray it) on the sofas, seats, carpets, and bed. Don’t worry your sofas won’t get damaged or have an oil spot at the end.

  4. Eucalyptus oil

    Now, this oil won’t only help you kicking those springtails out but will leave your home with a refreshing smell. Its anti-fungal properties also help in removing the food source for springtails as well. Keep one thing in mind is when you spray this oil, keep the doors and windows open.

  5. Dehumidifier

    For larger infestations of the springtails, you need to get a dehumidifier. What it will do is that as these springtails are attracted to humidity, your home is a source of moisture for them. Using the dehumidifier, your house would have less content of moisture which would make these springtails to remain outside.

  6. Silica Gel packets

    If you tend to throw out those little silica gel *do not eat* packets, then you should stop because they can actually do you some good. Crush them in a grinder or you can use the traditional method of crushing them in the pot and put them in a sprinkle bottle. Sprinkle where there are hideouts of springtails.

  7. Diatomaceous earth

    Diatomaceous powder has been used to kill insects as long as one can remember. The way diatomaceous powder and silica gel packet would work is that it kills the springtails by removing the outer covering that contains their moisture and then dehydrates them to death.

  8. Detergent and water

    Wash your home where springtails have been with 1 part detergent in 2 parts water. Mix them until mixture is frothy and simply clean the affected areas, the strong solution will be burning for springtails, hence leaving you a cleaner home.

  9. Bleach

    If the above remedy seems not to be working for a large number of springtails, you can always try the good old friend, bleach. Bleach can be an excellent corrosive solution that will readily kill a large bunch of springtails. You can first wash the area with bleach and then give a final hot wash with water to lessen the smell of bleach.

  10. Seal tiles with grout

    Cover the spaces between tiles because that is where mold build-ups are. The presence of mold is an open entrance for springtails as it possesses moisture in excessive amounts. You can either clean the grout with household cleaning grout products or have grouts sealed from companies.

  11. Improve Ventilation

    Keep your doors, windows open throughout the humid weather so there is enough ventilation in the house. This would lessen the moisture in your home resulting in lesser springtails attacking your house and overall this would keep your home at normal temperature as well. Ceiling fans help too.

  12. Precautionary measures.

    Make sure to check any open drainage, cracked windows or walls or holes because that is where most springtails tend to hide. Fix them to avoid the attack of springtails in a larger number.

We hope the above remedies are enough for you to say bye-bye to springtails forever. Make sure to come back for more. Till then have a good day.

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